PTO Meetings
Wednesday, September 1st, 6:00 pm, Location TBD
Wednesday, October 13th. 6:00 pm, Location TBD
You are always welcome at Drop-In. Just stop by any Wednesday morning if you have some time. Join other parents and help teachers with prep for classroom activities, learn about school happenings & enjoy a laugh or two. Coffee, goodies & company!
Get up to the minute info on our Facebook Page:
We are committed to all our students & families. If you have a question, please contact us via email at or on our Facebook page and we will do our best to answer you quickly and completely!
Volunteers are always needed.
There are many levels of involvement and many of the positions can be shared by two individuals. It’s a great way to get involved and get to know other Emerson families and staff. Please consider volunteering for a position or for at least 2 hours this year. There are many projects & events that need your help!
Please email your volunteer questions to
If you have a GIANT EAGLE Advantage Card you are on the way to helping!! You can link your Advantage Card through the following website Emerson's ID is 2933. Every time you shop at the Eagle, Emerson receives cash back. Participation in the program is perpetual and there is no need to re-register annually!
Heinen's Tasteful Rewards Members can register for the ABC School Program and purchases from October through April earn the school 1% in a CASH donation to Emerson. You must rejoin and re-designate EMERSON each year to ensure our rewards but you can do it all online!
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Enter the e-mail address you enrolled with and the password you created for yourself
Step 3: When you click "Log In" it will bring you to your "Welcome Back" page. Click on Profile at the top right corner of the page
Step 4: Once in your profile, scroll down to the school section. Select "Lakewood" & "Emerson" and be sure to click on "Save" at the bottom right corner of the page.
Best part? All purchases from September through April (retroactively too!) count!
Register your TARGET VISA card! Emerson's ID is 149818